Thursday, March 8, 2012

Well it's no surprise...

Last Tuesday we were submitted to the Embassy. I was hoping for the email that everyone else got saying their case was in progress & to contact them after 5 business days. Has it happened yet? Of course not! We are the ones who had an error on the birth certificate, missing case number and error on the police report. It will be a miracle if anything goes smooth. I've been pathetically checking my email probably 20 times a day and no word. Then I think, maybe they got our email i'm looking into that. I'm obsessed! Maybe we'll just magically get an email telling us when to travel next week. December feels like so long ago!

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you Sarah! I was the same way. We are running about 2 days behind the rest of the families that got submitted when we did. And, the Embassy DID have our email wrong.. now they requested additional information on our case. Ugh. These have been the toughest weeks for me yet. But, God has it under control, even if we don't :) Blessings and praying you hear something soon!
