Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Blog

I've been following blogs for some time now, afraid to actually start one myself. Then something crazy happened to me. I went to Ethiopia and met my daughter who we will be bringing home in a few weeks through adoption. The world looks so different to me now that I have to write about it.

My main interest in blogs have been interior design, so from time to time that could make its way in here too, but I have to express how insignificant that seems now when you've seen a third world country with millions of orphans, one of them being your own daughter. It certainly took me a while to get here, but I'm so glad this is the path God has for me and my family.

As you start this new year, I'd encourage you to do some research on adoption. It's so easy to think it's too expensive, takes too long, and just isn't the same as biological children. There will always be excuses as to why it's too hard to do something, but maybe the Lord would open your eyes to this year wanting to change the future of a child. To sacrifice temporary luxuries and invest in a soul that matters for eternity...I promise you won't be disappointed!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog world. I look forward to hearing what you feel led to share!
