Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good Reminder

I found these from the web, they are all John MacArthur quotes on being a wife/mom & I think they are great.

Prov 31 Woman: She always does what's best for him. She pursues his best interest. She strengthens him. She builds him up. She encourages him. She sees it as her role to do good to this man. She never speaks evil of him so that those in the home would learn to distrust him because of her testimony of his absence of character. His blessings are her delight, utterly unselfish. To live for him is her constant happiness and she knows she'll reap the benefit. Never unkind, always submissive in the most gracious way.

It's the love of her heart that puts delight in her work. If she felt like the reason for her to live was to fulfill herself, everything she had to do for someone else she'd hate. But because she knows her reason to be is to give herself for the joy of those she loves, the delight of her heart becomes the delight of her hands.

The first half of your life women, you make an investment, the dividends of which you will reap the second half. It flips over. This woman would raise her children and when her children were old enough to be on their own, they would spend the rest of their life blesing the woman who gave her life to them. That's God's design. The compensation then for old age is the exhilarating blessed joy of the return of the investment of youth in chidlren.

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