Thursday, February 2, 2012

The things you feed on you'll long for more

Last month in Florida I heard my brother teach in church and that quote "the things you feed on you'll long for more" was said. It pricked my conscience as I realize that a lot of time I feed on unimportant, temporary things here on earth that have no eternal value. My love of design, blogs, shopping, and watching tv take up too much valuable time and the more I value and invest in such things, the more they are attractive to me.

Of course nothing is wrong with having hobbies and enjoying day to day things, but I find that I'm easily swayed to the extreme if I'm not being careful. Last night I was reading a book on prayer and I realized throughout this entire adoption process I've not prayed about it like I should. Maybe that's why it's taken close to 3 years to complete!  In all honesty though I wonder if I had spent more time being diligent to fast and pray about the entire process would it have gone differently? I now spend my prayers and thoughts begging the Lord to help us bring Iris home soon and I'm so impatient, but I have to remind myself that there are no mistakes with God. Nothing is out of His hands. If He wants Iris to be home by this month, He alone will make that happen and nothing can change that. If not, then He must have a reason for an extended wait that is beyond my understanding. I just need to be faithful to pray, think on what is true, and seek God in this waiting time.
"Posture your life so that you may be easily enticed by Christ" - what am I doing to make this so in my life???

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