Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Can I just rant for a minute?

It's been a rough couple of days. Blake and Iris are going to give me gray hair VERY soon...between Blake's illness & training him and Iris how to obey, trying to get down to Florida, well, I'm kind of losing it.

There's still a contract on our place, but Joe has not been able to get anywhere with a job in Florida. It's awfully discouraging and I'm hoping that soon the Lord opens the door to a job for him.
Yesterday I finally decided to make sure it wasn't anything serious with Blake and his coughing and glad I did because the doctor felt he needed the nebulizer, antibiotics and a chest x ray that had to be done at the hospital. He did a great job, considering this was hours during his nap time, but he's already improving and hopefully will be back to his normal self soon. I kind of forget what that looks like between his ear infections, bad falls, and cough.

Last night Iris awoke at 9:30pm with high pitched screams and cries... Not sure if it was a bad dream or if the room felt hot to her (it's been SO HOT here!), but that's the first time she's done that. After soothing her for a few minutes and giving her some milk in her much loved bottle she drifted quickly back to sleep. I hope that doesn't become a regular occurence, but we'll see.

Today I thought I'd get out of the house and run to the library - bad move! Not sure what exactly happened between Blake and a little boy who was not so little, but Blake was hysterical & cried every few seconds when he looked in the general direction of this kid. We ended up leaving after only a few minutes. Poor Iris, she was such a trooper! Sitting there, playing alone and having a ball at the little mini table. The girl is an angel in public. Everyone stared at Blake and I, like can't you control your kid, and it was certainly good for my pride. In shame we left and came home, only to showcase my lack of patience until it was time to put the kids down for their nap and have some much needed time alone.

I can't do a minute of this job without the Lord's help!

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