Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let the craziness begin...

Busy time ahead - places to go & people to see! We leave for Florida in less than two weeks, the sale of our home could be upon us quickly or we could be back to square one...only time will tell. Needless to say I'm going to begin a very thorough purging process just in case.

Lots of life changing decisions are happening right now & even though it's a bit scary it's exciting. Blake & Iris continue to bring me many joys among many challenges. It's been a fun couple of days with them recently and I love to see how quickly they are growing up.

Blake loves to hold my hand, give me kisses and say "mooommmyyy" quite endearingly (is that a word?) He is very opinionated about his clothing, his food & his toys. We had a couple wardrobe changes the other day and I thought who is this kid? Oh yeah, my son.

Iris makes so many cute faces, continues to love her teddy bears & dolls (no Iris don't eat them!) & she is a great help to me. Always quick to clean up, put things away and do what she can around here to help. It's strange to think a year ago we had not even met her yet.
Well, better get off this computer & start throwing things out. If anyone in the area locally is needing a new dresser or tv/media unit check out craigslist or get in touch with me. I'm ready to part with this stuff!

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