Sunday, October 7, 2012

Important to consider before you vote:

Abortion has always been a very important topic to me (my hatred of it, actually). It's heavy on my heart to share this & it's not done in a mean spirit, but only to express how strongly the Bible is on this topic. Heard an incredible message by John MacArthur on this topic, why we simply can not vote for a party that advocates the slaughtering of babies. Here are some notes I wrote as I listened to him speak. If for no other reason to vote for Romney & not for Obama please consider the issue of abortion:

Democratic Platform is Romans 1:
Pass out condoms - Experience sexual freedom and fornication (indication of demise of a nation)
Kill baby till the 9th month
Leaving God out of platform, then adding it on...wish they would not do that...To connect God with that agenda is a horror...taking His name in vein (he shouldn't be in either agenda)
Platform out of what God hates!
Not voting for pastor or spiritual leader - some sense of morality needed in this leader!
Punish evil doers, have someone in power who knows good and evil
To take a life is to strike a blow at God because He is the giver of life

Advocacy for support of slaughter of infants, any sense of justice?

Democrats Pride themselves on defending the weak, but murder them in the womb when they are the most weak...what kind of hypocrisy
Makes Nazi holocaust look small
1.5 million a year - 4,000 a day
One baby is killed every 95 seconds @ Planned Parenthood
Pregnancy is a "sexually transmitted disease" to them

You'd be arrested for doing this to an animal but legal to kill children each day
Slaughtering infants in the safest place: the womb
Satan goes after babies (time of Moses & Jesus the government wanted to slay children two and under)
This is a platform that they ADVOCATE
They say matter of freedom for women - lie! The baby is not her body, it's a child that is a person made in image of God.
Murder is back up for failed birth control
Criminals are prosecuted for killing pregnant women & their unborn, but pregnant women who kill their baby are not
Person being murdered is something you can now vote for

Conception is act of God - He creates LIFE. Children are a gift FROM THE LORD. Simple as that.
The Lord opens and closes womb. God gives to all life and breath - we live because He gave us life. "You send forth spirit, they are created"  Rom 11 - everything is by Him and for Him.

"You formed my inward parts" - PS 139 "Wove me in mother's womb"  "Fearfully and wonderfully made"
Creation of God, by God, sees that unformed fetus - every life conceived lives forever
Nothing changes creation of God, whether it was incest or rape, it's still a work of God that brings about that conception. God grants life and keeps that life alive in womb
Abortion is anti God act
Every person created in image of God (Gen 1)
No baby is a sexual accident or pile of tissue or part of mother's body - it is a person made by God
Every creation is special object of care - should be safest place on planet. Imagine criminals invading mother's body, the unborn to hurt them (It would be an outrage)
God condemns murder
Blatant paganism, moral collapse of society when babies are being killed.
Overruling grace redeems murdered infants (doesn't make it right, His grace overrules this sin)
PS 22 "You have been my God from my mother's womb". 
Forgiveness for that sin - if you hate someone you are as bad as a murderer (Can murderer's be forgiven, ask apostle Paul - yes)

Just some very good thoughts to consider as we approach an election where one candidate is a staunch supporter of this act and one is not.

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